Majorityrights News > Category: U.S. Politics

NATO foreign ministers to discuss Russia-Ukraine confrontation over Kerch Strait

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 14:53.

Nato Foreign Ministers meet (Photo: Bogdan Danescu/Reuters)

Foreign Brief, “NATO foreign ministers to discuss Russia-Ukraine confrontation over Kerch Strait”,  4 Dec 2018:

Foreign ministers from the member states of NATO will convene in Brussels today to discuss the recent flare in tensions between Russia and Ukraine over access to the Sea of Azov.

Kiev has been invited to participate. It will likely reiterate its request for heightened NATO patrols in the Black Sea and increased naval assistance in the waters surrounding Crimea. While representatives are expected to unanimously condemn Russia’s act of aggression towards Ukrainian vessels, it is unlikely that they will consent to an increased deployment to the region, with heavyweights Germany and France having ruled out a military solution.

The Sea of Azov incident, as well as any potential NATO response, is also likely to undermine efforts to quell rising violence in Eastern Ukraine. Germany has pushed strongly in recent weeks for more frequent contact between the ‘Normandy Four’ group of nations committed to a peaceful solution for Ukraine’s conflict. However, Russia’s involvement is likely to pressure NATO to tread carefully in its response to avoid undermining tentative mediation efforts. NATO is expected to endorse the possibility of further sanctions against Moscow.

Laura Loomer discusses ban from Twitter, cites Muslim Sharia and other “left” leaning influence

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 01 December 2018 06:48.


While it is interesting that Loomer calls attention to Muslim (viz. Saudi) influence over Silicon Valley companies such as Twitter, note that she says that “Leftists” are given carte blanche by Twitter.

She is placing Islam in the camp of “The Left”

Islam doesn’t even allow for unions (it is an ideal feudalistic comprador vehicle).

You know that the YKW are really getting desperate to make “the left” into the enemy when they try to depict Islam as “Leftist.”

Hitler was Not WN Part 5: Indignant Response to the Greater Poland Uprising

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 06:00.

Innocent until proven guilty we are.

Nobody alive should be presumed guilty and made to suffer and pay with their lives and ethnonationhood, even if it is true that forebears may have over corrected, even vastly. Where people manifest traits of prior generations so as to act criminally, as homicidal imperial supremacists, that’s another matter.

Until then, it is a general UN agreement that collective punishment is not valid….let alone for the historical misdeeds of regimes from prior generations.

Nevertheless, the vast wounds, the gaping chasms of genetic capital that many may vaguely perceive as family and loved ones lost, yearn over, if not feel acutely - these losses in our genetic capital will likely well up through our unconscious and conscious systemically and must be recognized.

That caveat having been issued, having absolved present generations, we will move on to correct the record of imperialist misdeeds of prior generations and attempted cover-ups by a more recent generation.

We will be addressing the notion that Hitler and the Nazis were acting in sheer defense and that they were making bonafide peace offerings, that the Allies were the true aggressors.

To get a more accurate and fair understanding of the sources of the conflict, we need to be fairly comprehensive about the history - will begin with the more recent history and work back into historical origins… reversing the usual Nazi sympathetic order of historical survey, from Versailles to the present, as if history started there.

We will indeed begin with that fairly recent history of the conflict of imperialism and nationalism, The Treaty of Versaille’s division of national boundaries…and then we’ll work back into the relevant histories from there. Most Westerners don’t really know that in addition to the Treaty of Saint Germain’s retention of the Sudetanland for Czech, that there were only a handful relevant cities that Versailles designated for Poland and one neutral - Danzig - that Hitler was disputing or claiming as eminently warranted to recapture.

In addition to that area of Czech and those few cities of Poland, there were only villages and areas occupied by Germans within what would be a necessary corridor to the Polish nation for strategic and economic access to the sea; but there was the additional factor to their having historical claim and value to national morale, issues which we will address as well.

The common idea spread among White Nationalists that the Versailles borders were thoughtlessly drawn, arbitrarily taking land from Germany that Hitler merely and justifiably wanted back for Germany is far from beyond question; nor is it accurate to say that his designs stopped there.

        Frederick “The Great"s imperialist and supremacist stance with regard to Poland.

Regarding territory granted to Poland, we are are talking about a handful of cities of appreciable size - Bromberg, Thorn, Posen, Gaudzen, Kulm, Gessen and a smaller one, Lisa, along with one being made into a free city, Danzig, that the Nazis and their sympathizers would dispute as rallying propaganda, as “rightfully German.”. ..and “places where the Poles demonstrated their pugnaciousness against Germans.” We’ve touched upon Danzig, setting it out as a central issue for elaboration later…

Daily Telegraph, “Can German and Polish claims to Danzig be reconciled?” - May 5, 1939

Are we to realise soon the significance of Frederick the Great’s words, “Who rules over the mouth of the Vistula, rules over Poland better than the King of Poland himself”? Herr Hitler received a birthday gift of the freedom of Danzig. It remains to be seen whether this will involve Danzig’s receiving the “freedom” of Herr Hitler.

The answer, of course, was no, Hitler would not grant Danzig its freedom and he thought of it much the same as did Frederick the Great. We’ll talk about the history of Polish Gdansk and the conflict between Germans and Polish in history which seem largely to have been sparked over Danzig to begin with.

Poznan, where the first Polish kings are buried.

Suffice it to say, Roman Dmowski, called the father of Polish nationalism and a representative of Poland at Versailles, thought Danzig should be Polish, as it was in 1793 when Frederick the Great took it away for Prussia.

Having set the issue of Danzig out, lets set forth disputes which should have been more clear to the Polish side - Poznan and Gniezno.


Poznan is the original founding city of Polish nationhood - in fact, the first Polish kings are buried there; nearby Gniezno represented its consecration into Christendom, which at the time was corollary to the birth of nationhood.


Fort VII, Poznan, where the Nazis exacted revenge against intelligentsia of the Greater Polish Uprising and experimented with their first gas chambers.

Leszno, another smallish Polish city near Poznan, took in some Czech refugees from the German slaughter of Czechs in the Thirty Years War - which we will discuss as a likely historical factor in the Treaty of Saint Germain’s figuring, logistical and historical calculation that the Sudetenland should remain part of Bohemia. But for now, we just need to mention that these three cities, Poznan, Gniezno and Leszno would be among those audaciously retaken by Pilsudski and the Poles in the Greater Poland Uprising of 1918-19….. and confirmed though correctly by Versailles as Polish, would cause great consternation and will to revenge on the part of Hitler and the Nazis.

In fact, those who were partisans or military intelligentsia in this uprising were targeted by the Nazis two decades later, killed in places like Poznan’s Fort VII.

Hitler was Not White Nationalist Part 4

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 16 November 2018 14:37.

Press image above or here for video, Part 4: If we take a historical perspective of ethnonationalists acting in good faith as opposed to that of the empires that were in control of Europe just prior to the World Wars, we can see that it was imperialism, not nationalism, that in fact spawned these wars. If we want to do justice to the homeostatic systemic correction that ethnonationalism affords against runaway liberal internationalism, we need to take advantage of interactive correctability through a more honest historical frame of reference, to locate where ethnonationalism lost homeostatic correctiive reference and became subject to imperial stasis.

That would mean beginning at least at the point where (Germanic) imperialism became a dominant paradigm in and through (central/eastern) Europe, a period issued in by Frederick The Great - when the Polish ethnostate was dissolved, Germanization imposed by the imperial Austro-Hungarian and German/Prussian partitions, while imperial Russia controlled the rest of it.

As far as ethnostatism goes in fact, Germany remained huge following Versailles, retaining a great deal of what is now western Poland, including Breslau (now Wroclaw) and East Prussia, which is now Kaliningrad and parts just south.

We’ll go into the roots of these ethnonational travails, including mistakes on the Polish side, but not focusing there for now, since that’s what you’ve been hearing in the PC of so called WN, in exaggerated form.

Typically disregarded is the Versailles committee’s valid reasoning for areas granted to Poland and of the Sudetenland retained for Czech by the Treaty of St. Germain.

Historical examination will show that Danzig and the Sudetenland (there in green) form a crucial historical frame of ethnonational borders.

Nazi Germany understood this, as Britain’s Daily Telegraph* wrote in 1939:

“Today we realise the truth of Bismarck’s saying that he who possesses the Bohemian chain dominates Europe.

Are we to realise soon the significance of Frederick the Great’s words, “Who rules over the mouth of the Vistula, rules over Poland better than the King of Poland himself”?

Herr Hitler received a birthday gift of the freedom of Danzig. It remains to be seen whether this will involve Danzig’s receiving the “freedom” of Herr Hitler”

Though historically disputed and shifting in demographics, Danzig was occupied by Germans at that time.

In fact, Danzig is ground zero both in the framrwork of World War II and historically, of German / Polish conflict, and international intervention. It is there we need to begin overcoming shallow and mistaken Hitler apologist talk that he just wanted Danzig back -as if it was simply German and rightfully theirs, given to those stubborn Poles, when if fact Poland was merely given a stake in a Danzig made neutral by Versailles for historical and logistical reasons.

Of course these were mere pesky contentions to Hitler, which would one day be made historically incidental when his Plan East was effectively concluded. For the time being, propaganda was necessary to justify this plan and get it underway.

Thus, with regard to allegations made by the Nazis of Polish abuse of German civilians within the the corridor, we absolutely cannot assume the veracity. Even cursory glance at footage of interwar Danzig does not indicate a beleaguered German population under anything like abject duress - on the contrary, it shows as remarkably comfortable and thriving population, commercial well being despite this being during the throes of world wide economic depression.

Whatever cruelties that did in fact come of Polish nationalism toward Germans did not come in a vacuum, as they were responses to having their people and nation subject to cruel repression under the Teutonic Order and Frederick the Great’s Prussia - anti Polinism and programs of Germanification.

Again, its important to note in the abstract, that for whatever grievances the Germans may have had in regard to the response of Polish nationalists in their newly reformed nation upon Versailles, Hitler and Nazism more than made up for it, through policies such as killing 10 times the number of Poles for any German killed by Polish partitions; and retaliations far worse in the overview of their war policy and practice against Poles and Poland - such as the murdering of Polish civilians in the Warsaw ghetto uprising - in far greater number than civilians were killed in the Dresden fire bombing a year later, speaking of more than making up for grievances.

But before we re-animate a German - Polish conflict, as we are ethnonationalists of good will - before adopting the appearance of being motivated to attribute retroactive guilt then - let us reinvoke principle once again.

One of the main reasons why we are confronted with having to deal with this issue of Nazism, so divisive and stigmatic of Whites, is because of PC guilt-tripping of Whites… and a direct backlash against that guilt tripping ...particularly by those among groups not of a perspective where Nazi Germany was directly antagonistic…

And again, there has been much pandering to counter that guilt tripping in order to gain audience and backing among American Whites in particular.

It is key therefore to invoke this antidote to guilt tripping to underscore first of all, that it is history, nobody alive should be made to suffer and pay with their lives and nationhood.


* Correction, I had accidentally said, “Daily Mirror.” This quote is actually from a Daily Telegraph article, 5 May 1939.

Hitler and Nazism were Not White Nationalism, Part 3

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 12 November 2018 23:15.

Hitler and Nazism were Not White Nationalism, Part 3

Thus we have established a first principle of this discourse, a positive tautology that the World Wars are history, the people of today are not to blame and should not be subject to the collective punishment of losing their peoplehood and corresponding nations.

There is a second principle that we will invoke at this point, one which the internet has provided for in spades, but which White Nationalists have not utilized to anything like its full potential.

That is correctability, the correctability of ideas and understanding through interactive participation, whether through comments or speaking directly to people and engaging correction.

To date, what has been imposed as if correction, has largely been World War II revisionism - which tends to be dishonest excuses and apologetics for Nazi imperialism where not outright recitation of Nazi propaganda that could be falsified rather easily if they cared to do it.

Misrepresentation and omissions of important facts can remain if would-be interlocutors are not of good faith, don’t really want to pursue the truth, though Nazi apologetics usually claim the truth as their mission.

On the other hand, taking interactive correctability for granted and expecting the voices of correction to chime-in has left me susceptible to allow oversights to linger, because many would-be WN, who’ve accepted the rightist identity and its own political correctness will not say “boo” and alert me to oversights, especially when calling attention to these matters will call negative attention and shoot holes in their pro-Hitler/Nazi position.

Graudenz, Kulm, Thorn and Bromberg, a would-be occlusive salient. To the south of those cities, Poznan and Gniezno are the cradle of Polish nationhood.

There is a third and ancillary tautology to be invoked which is that for whatever grievances that either side had of the times, they were more than made up for.

We will apply this as a third tautological principle then, after ‘it’s history and nobody had anything to do with it’, and after correctability, that is, the tautology that for whatever complaints of the time, “they more than made up for it in retaliation.”

We will take a critical perspective on grievances and injustices alleged by the Nazi apologists, such as allegations made against Polish nationals and partisans, since those allegations have tended to go uncorrected within the philoNazistic PC of so called White Nationalism.

But we need to circle back to our second principle at this point, which is interactive correctability and the fact that so called WN has not been acting in good faith to call matters to attention, especially when they would reflect badly on Nazi Germany.

In previous discussions of Hitler’s complaints over where Versailles borders were drawn, I have made the claim that there were really only three cities of significance lost by Germany - Poznan, Bromberg and Thorn and one made neutral, Danzig (made neutral, not Polish, as in something the Poles could unilaterally return to Germany as misinformed Hitler apologists often claim they should have); and there were some village areas in the corridor and near the Versailles established border where Germans were caught in Polish territory, and we must add that there were Poles caught in German territory. But though Danzig was at the time occupied by Germans, it was a historically disputed city and a strategic city for all concerned, thus justifiably deemed neutral by Versailles. Cities to the south of the corridor, such as Poznan, Gniezno and Leszno, should not have been considered anything remotely but Polish.

While it is true that in previous discussions of this issue I had neglected to mention two cities of significance in the Polish corridor which were inhabited by Germans, Graudenz and Kulm , known in Polish as Grudziądz and Chelmno, it does not change the thesis.

First of all, circling to principle three (mis-spoke; it is “principle two”, correctability that is invoked here) again, that the comment section has been open and feedback of good will is expected to correct oversights such as that.

More fundamentally, these cities being under German political jurisdiction would only extend the salient that would be formed by Bromberg and Torun to obstruct and potentially occlude crucial strategic and economic sea access for Poland.

In addition, Graudenz and Klum were formed of brutal Teutonic and Prussian imperialism on cities that were originally Polish.

Finally, it is a history that only provides more examples of the enormous toll that the Nazis took against impositions of Polish patriotism in these areas; invoking principle three, that they more than made up for it.

Thus, it is no wonder that the Hitler redemptionists didn’t particularly care to take me up on my open offer to correct whatever prior oversights of mine…

No, the Hitler redemptionists, in their claim to be after the truth of history, tend to begin history at or about World War I. And of course, Germany was a sheer victim of the rest of the world, from the Schiff’s backing of the Trotskies, to the Balfour Declaration to the Treaty of Versailles.  But really, to do enthnonationalism justice, we need to go further back in history…

Israel Murders 34 Americans wounds 200

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 08 November 2018 06:01.

...some maimed beyond recognition in the massacre.

Erasing the Liberty.

The genesis of terror and war by deception following Israel’s illegal land-grab.

The story of Israel’s sustained massacre of the U.S.S. Liberty and its crew in a false flag event staged to blame Egypt in the initiative to direct America’s foreign policy.


An interview with one of the survivors of the USS Liberty, a US research ship which was attacked in 1967 by Israel. Dave Gahary and survivor of the U.S.S. Liberty, Phil Tourney, take us through this often overlooked historical event.

Erasing the Liberty (The Book):

USS Liberty Movie:

As the colored party retakes the House, Whites begin to vote more As Whites, but…

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 07 November 2018 06:09.

As the colored party retakes the House, Whites begin to vote more as Whites:



...“are headless - explicit though Whites are becoming as they vote more in their group interests, and less divided on issues, we are headless and without leadership and organization.” - ‘No White Guilt’

...let Majorityrights add, that we should all know who that head and leadership is for the time being, and headless of our own, off the rails Whites shall remain in right wing objectivism, acting incidentally in right wing sell out interests, steered in YKW interests, until we finally settle on a White Left ethnonational position, accountable in our relative group interests among, and in, ecological coordination with other Left ethno-nationalisms.  ...and as long as we remain identifying as right wing or even “third position’ (as opposed to White Left ethnonational) we will remain divided on issues and subject to entryism and direction from the YKW.

By percentage Islamization of population: here’s what happens when Islam is allowed into your nation

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 05 November 2018 06:01.

Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat

Dr. Peter Hammond with foreword by Rev Flip Benham, 8/12/2010 Can a Good Muslim Be a Good American?”, Monday, April 21, 2008:

What Islam Isn’t!

By: Dr. Peter Hammond

Islam is not a religion, nor is it a cult. In its fullest form, it is a complete, total, 100% system of life.

Islam has religious, legal, political, economic, social, and military components. The religious component is a beard for all of the other components.

Islamization begins when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their religious privileges.

When politically correct, tolerant, and culturally diverse societies agree to Muslim demands for their religious privileges, some of the other components tend to creep in as well.

Here’s how it works:

As long as the Muslim population remains around, or under, 2% in any given country, they will be for the most part regarded as a peace-loving minority, and not as a threat to other citizens.

This is the case in:
United States—Muslim 0.6%
Australia—Muslim 1.5%
Canada—Muslim 1.9%
China—Muslim 1.8%
Italy—Muslim 1.5%
Norway—Muslim 1.8%

At 2% to 5%, they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, often with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

This is happening in:
Denmark—Muslim 2%
Germany—Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom—Muslim 2.7%
Spain—Muslim 4%
Thailand—Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on, they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. For example, they will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature halal on their shelves—along with threats for failure to comply.

This is occurring in:
France—Muslim 8%
Sweden—Muslim 5%
Switzerland—Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands—Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago—Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves (within their ghettos) under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islamists is to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims approach 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. In Paris, we are already seeing car-burnings. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in uprisings and threats, such as in Amsterdam,  with opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films about Islam. Such tensions are seen daily,  particularly in Muslim sections in:
Guyana—Muslim 10%
India—Muslim 13.4%
Israel—Muslim 16%
Kenya—Muslim 10%
Russia—Muslim 15%

After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues, such as in:
Ethiopia—Muslim 32.8%

At 40%, nations experience widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks, and ongoing militia warfare, such as in:
Bosnia—Muslim 40%
Chad—Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon—Muslim 59.7%

From 60%, nations experience unfettered persecution of non-believers of all other religions (including non-conforming Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon, and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels, such as in:
Albania—Muslim 70%
Malaysia—Muslim 60.4%
Qatar—Muslim 77.5%
Sudan—Muslim 70%

After 80%, expect daily intimidation, violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, even some genocide, as these nations drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim, such as has been experienced and in some ways is on-going in:


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Islamist Threat

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Historical Re-Evaluation

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Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:10. (View)

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